Law on the use of barbed wire
Note that this is Danish law and may be different in other countries
Pigtråd og pigtrådshegn er noget de fleste forbinder med fængsler og militære områder, men idag er pigtråd i væsentlig faktor i den daglige kamp mod ulovlig indtrængen i det danske erhvervsliv og sågar også hos private der ønsker et højt sikringsniveau.
Pigtråd er i Danmark en lovlig måde, at besværliggøre uønsket passage af en grænse eller et skel. I de fleste tilfælde har synet af pigtråden en afskrækkende virkning og fungerer derfor også meget præventivt.
Barbed wire, however, is very dangerous and is therefore regulated under the Fence Act to prevent innocents from coming into unwanted contact with the dangerous fence. Here it says, among other things, that there must be a minimum of 1 meter from the barbed wire and out to the traffic lane and 1 meter from the barbed wire out to the middle of paths.
See our selection of ordinary barbed wire, NATO barbed wire and accessories here:
The rules for using barbed wire:
The Act on Fences is hereby promulgated, cf. Statutory Order no. 1746 of 14 December 2015, with the amendments that follow from section 31 of Act no. 1711 of 27 December 2018.
Chapter I
General provisions
§ 1. This Act covers both common fences and own fences. Common fences are defined here as fences which are erected in such a way that soil is delivered to the fence from both the adjacent properties. Own fences are fences that are erected on their own land along the boundaries of the property.
§ 2. Own fences must not cause greater inconvenience to the neighbor than common fences. As a result, own fences must not have a greater height than communal fences with a surcharge corresponding to the distance from the fence to the dividing line, however, orchards' own fences to the south and west must have a surcharge corresponding to 1 1/2 times the distance from the fence to the dividing line. Own fences around cemeteries, military installations, railways and other non-profit installations may be built of the material and at the height required by the character of the installation.
§ 3. Electric fences along the street, road, path or square where others than the owner of the fence have traffic rights must be removed at least 1/2 m from the traffic lane. Barbed wire fences must, under similar conditions, be removed at least 1 m from the traffic lane, in the case of footpaths at least 1 m from the center line of the path.
See our large selection here::