
People counting cameras are cameras developed to count the number of people entering and leaving an area. The cameras can both assess the height of the persons, so that you can e.g. can sort out children. With an Android box, you can display the result live on a screen and thereby show how many customers are in the store and how many there is still room for, by setting a maximum number.

We will be happy to help you find the right equipment, contact our technicians on 70701009 or write to support@ipcam-shop.dk

Model: IPC3738SE-ADZK-I0

Populært kamera til mennesketælling og ansigtsgenkendelse i butikker og centre.

  • 4K opløsning og motorzoom sikre de bedste betingelser for gode optagelser
  • Masser af smarte analyser, persontælling, perimetersikring ansigtsregistrering mm.
  • Op til 40 meter nightvision
  • Optag lokalt med SD kort eller på en harddiskoptager (eller begge dele for højere sikkerhed)
  • Alarm ind/ud til styring af relæer, porte, alarmsystemer mm.
  • PoE, strøm via netværkskabel
  • Kan tåle at sidde inde og ude (indbygget heater, tåler minus 40 grader)

Kameraet kan bruges til mange forskellige funktioner og er et godt all-around kamera til butikken, byggemarkedet eller som universalkamera i teknikerbilen.

6.290,00  Incl. VAT
( 5.032,00  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD6825G0/C-IS(B)

Smart indoor people counting camera with high accuracy

  • People counters register people entering and leaving the room and how many people are present in the room.
  • Dual-lens technology provides very precise detection and can filter people by height, so that children, for example, can be screened out.
  • Reporting system can send data in real time or generate reports on daily, weekly or monthly basis.
  • Built-in microphone that allows you to record sound from the camera's surroundings.
  • Night vision with IR technology that provides clear image quality up to 6 meters in the dark.
  • Suitable for indoor use.

The camera is well suited for shops, trade fairs, office buildings and other places where statistics on the number of people are desired.


10.949,00  Incl. VAT
( 8.759,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD6825G0/C-IVS(B)

Smart outdoor people counting camera with high accuracy

  • Built-in people counter registers the number of people coming and going and shows how many are left.
  • Dual lens ensures high accuracy and can filter people based on height (possibly excluding children).
  • Receive data in real time or have automatic reports sent daily, weekly or monthly.
  • Microphone can record the sound around the camera.
  • Built-in night vision with 6 meter range (IR).
  • IP67 rated.

The camera is well suited for shops, trade fairs, office buildings and other places where statistics on the number of people are desired.

14.999,00  Incl. VAT
( 11.999,20  Excl. VAT )
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