
If you want to keep an absolute overview, panoramic cameras are a good option. They work in the same way as 180- and 360-degree cameras, but typically with several lenses that are then merged into a single image. It gives both a fantastic overview but also a much better depth of field.

We will be happy to help you find the right equipment, contact our technicians on 70701009 or write to support@ipcam-shop.dk

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Model: IPC2108SB-ADF16KM-I0

180° billede i kompakt form - 5MP

  • Smart overvågning med IR.
  • Utroligt vidvinklet uden at være fisheye.
  • Smart-genkendelse af mennesker og biler reducerer falske alarmer fra dyr.
  • Indbygget mikrofon giver mulighed for at optage lyd og høre lyd på livevisning.


Få pushbeskeder på din mobil, og adgang til video direkte fra din smartphone, tablet eller PC.

2.999,00  Incl. VAT
( 2.399,20  Excl. VAT )
Recommended by our technicians

Fantastisk 180 graders hybridkamera i 4K

  • persontælling og crowd-control
  • kan skelne mellem mennesker, køretøjer og andre typer 
  • 4K-opløsning (4096*1860)@20fps
  • Dobbelt linse-sammenføjningsteknologi anvendes for at opnå en vandret synsvinkel på 180°
  • Colorhunter-teknologi sikrer 24-timers fuldfarvebilleder
  • Understøtter rød og blå advarselslys
  • 130 dB ægte WDR-teknologi muliggør klare billeder i scener med kraftigt lys
  • Baseret på målklassificering reducerer intelligent indtrængningsforebyggelse markant falske alarmer forårsaget af blade, fugle, lys osv., og fokuserer nøjagtigt på mennesker, motorkøretøjer og ikke-motorkøretøjer
  • Automatisk scenetilpasning (ASM) (kun WDR)
  • Alarm: 1 indgang / 1 udgang og Lyd: 1 indgang / 1 udgang
  • Indbygget højttaler og dobbelte mikrofoner

Kameraet kan stå at spejde i absolut mørke, og så skifte til varmt lys og optage i farve, f.eks. hvis et menneske bevæger sig ind i en zone, som du har defineret. Hvis det er en hund eller kat, så fortsætter kameraet bare med at optage i sort/hvid. 

3.595,00  Incl. VAT
( 2.876,00  Excl. VAT )
Recommended by our technicians
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Model: IPC3608SB-ADF16KM-I0

180° image in compact form - 8MP

  • smart surveillance, with both IR
  • incredibly wide-angle without being fisheye
  • smart recognition of people and cars reduces false alarms from animals
  • built-in microphone allows you to record sound and hear sound on live view


Get push notifications on your mobile - and access to video directly from your smartphone or PC/tablet.

2.999,00  Incl. VAT
( 2.399,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: IPC3605SB-ADF16KM-I0

180° image in compact form - 5MP

  • smart surveillance, with both IR
  • incredibly wide-angle without being fisheye
  • smart recognition of people and cars reduces false alarms from animals
  • built-in microphone allows you to record sound and hear sound on live view


Get push notifications on your mobile - and access to video directly from your smartphone or PC/tablet.

2.499,00  Incl. VAT
( 1.999,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: IPC2105SB-ADF16KM-I0

180° image in compact form - 5MP

  • smart surveillance, with both IR
  • incredibly wide-angle without being fisheye
  • smart recognition of people and cars reduces false alarms from animals
  • built-in microphone allows you to record sound and hear sound on live view


Get push notifications on your mobile - and access to video directly from your smartphone or PC/tablet.

2.499,00  Incl. VAT
( 1.999,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: IPC8544EA-KM-I1

Et genialt 180 graders kamera til det helt store overblik

  • 4 linser i 2K pr. stk. giver enorm god billedkvalitet
  • Samler de 4 kameraer til et samlet billede
  • PoE
  • 50 meter smart-IR
  • IP67 - kan sidde inde og ude

Med blot et enkelt netværkskabel kan du få det vildeste overblik med dette kamera

26.789,00  Incl. VAT
( 21.431,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD2345G0P-I

180 ° Viewpoint
Panorama View (180° View)

4 MegaPixel
H.265 +

1.549,00  Incl. VAT
( 1.239,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD2387G2P-LSU/SL

Optimal for outdoors, as it requires very little maintenance.
With its 8 MegaPixel image sensor, the camera delivers a fantastic daytime image perfect for illuminated areas.
ColorVu provides a color image around the clock with built-in white LED if the light conditions become too bad & with the built-in AcuSense, most insignificant recordings are removed when classifying people and vehicles.
Strobes can flash as a warning flash, as well as speakers emit a siren sound or speak messages.
180° viewing angle gives an incredibly wide picture.

Can be accessed from both smartphone, PC and tablet through the Hik-Connect app.
Supports Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, German and English languages.

3.069,00  Incl. VAT
( 2.455,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD2T46G2P-ISU/SL

Optimalt til udendørs, da det kræver meget lidt vedligeholdelse.
Med dets 4 MegaPixel billedsensor leverer kameraet et rigtig godt dagsbillede & med op til 40m IR giver det også et godt nattebillede.
AcuSense giver kameraet mulighed for at klassificere mennesker & køretøjer.
Strobe kan blinke som advarselsblink, samt højttaler afgive sirenelyd eller talebeskeder.
180° synsvinkel giver et utrolig bredt billede.

Kan tilgås fra både smartphone, PC og tablet gennem appen Hik-Connect.
Understøtter Dansk, Svensk, Norsk, Tysk og Engelsk sprog.

3.899,00  Incl. VAT
( 3.119,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD2346G2P-ISU/SL

Et rigtig godt valg til udendørsbrug hos erhverv og lagere.
Med dets 4 MegaPixel billedsensor leverer kameraet et rigtig godt dagsbillede & med op til 30m IR giver det også et godt nattebillede.
AcuSense giver kameraet mulighed for at klassificere mennesker & køretøjer.
Strobe kan blinke som advarselsblink, og højtaler kan afgive sirenelyd eller talebeskeder.
180° synsvinkel giver et utrolig bredt billede.

Kan tilgås fra både smartphone, PC og tablet gennem appen Hik-Connect.
Understøtter Dansk, Svensk, Norsk, Tysk og Engelsk sprog.

3.021,00  Incl. VAT
( 2.416,80  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD2347G2P-LSU/SL

Optimal for outdoors, as it requires very little maintenance.
With its 4 MegaPixel image sensor, the camera delivers a really good daytime image & with up to 30m LED, it also provides a good night image.
ColorVu provides a color image around the clock with built-in white LED if the light conditions become too bad & with the built-in AcuSense, most insignificant recordings are removed when classifying people and vehicles.
The strobe can flash as a warning flash, as well as the loudspeaker emit a siren sound or speak messages.
180° viewing angle gives an incredibly wide picture.

Can be accessed from both smartphone, PC and tablet through the Hik-Connect app.
Supports Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, German and English languages.

3.499,00  Incl. VAT
( 2.799,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD2T45G0P-I

Smart camera that provides a good overview with its 180 ° coverage area.

  • High resolution - 2K (2688 × 1520)
  • Nothing escapes - even located in the middle, the camera looks from wall to wall
  • SD card - save locally, play globally.
  • Intelligent - many smart analyzes (linecross, intrusion, object removal etc.)

The camera can withstand outdoor mounting, IP66, and has a built-in night vision

1.775,00  Incl. VAT
( 1.420,00  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD2T47G2P-LSU/SL

A very good choice for outdoor use in businesses and warehouses.
With its 4 MegaPixel image sensor, the camera delivers a really good daytime image & with up to 40m LED, it also provides a good night image.
ColorVu provides a color image around the clock with built-in white LED if the light conditions become too bad & with the built-in AcuSense, most insignificant recordings are removed when classifying people and vehicles.
Strobes can flash as a warning flash, as well as speakers emit a siren sound or speak messages.
180° viewing angle gives an incredibly wide picture.

Can be accessed from both smartphone, PC and tablet through the Hik-Connect app.
Supports Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, German and English languages.

3.899,00  Incl. VAT
( 3.119,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD6D52G0-IHS

Nice dual panorama camera

  • 5 MegaPixels
  • Dual lens
  • Panoramic camera
  • Built-in microphone
5.249,00  Incl. VAT
( 4.199,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: NDM-7703-AL

Panoramic camera from Bosch that provides a wide overview

  • Equipped with four 5-megapixel sensors
  • Provides a fantastic overview with 360-degree visibility
  • IP66 certified and can be used indoors and outdoors
29.829,00  Incl. VAT
( 23.863,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD2T87G2P-LSU/SL

A very good choice for outdoor use in businesses and warehouses.
With its 8 MegaPixel image sensor, the camera delivers a fantastic daytime image perfect for illuminated areas.
ColorVu provides a color image around the clock with built-in white LED if the light conditions become too bad & with the built-in AcuSense, most insignificant recordings are removed when classifying people and vehicles.
Strobes can flash as a warning flash, as well as speakers emit a siren sound or speak messages.
180° viewing angle gives an incredibly wide picture.

Can be accessed from both smartphone, PC and tablet through the Hik-Connect app.
Supports Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, German and English languages.

3.899,00  Incl. VAT
( 3.119,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD6D82G0-IHS

Nice dual panorama camera

  • 8MP resolution that ensures sharp images.
  • Dual lens
  • Panoramic camera
  • Built-in microphone
5.799,00  Incl. VAT
( 4.639,20  Excl. VAT )
Model: DS-2CD6984G0-IHSY(D)

The ultimate overview camera - 32 megapixel / 180°

  • 180° panoramic image divided across four cameras, combined into one image.
  • Ideal camera for overview or control of PTZ cameras.
  • EXIR-nightvision - requires minimal cleaning.
  • Can be connected to a hard disk recorder or saved to memory cards.
  • DarkFighter technology - suitable for low-light areas.
  • NEMA (Y) rated - suitable for coastal areas and moderately corrosive environments.

The camera is particularly suitable for large spaces, car dealerships, parking lots and other places where a detailed overview image is desired.

27.892,00  Incl. VAT
( 22.313,60  Excl. VAT )
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