Hikvision license plate Kit "ANPG"
Complete license plate scanner kit! Search for number plates and get a message, open the door etc. at selected number plates
- All number plates are stored in the database
- Search in registered number plates (genuine ANPG)
- Black list: Get evt. a push message or email when cars from the "black list" are registered
- White list: Open boom, gate, grille, turn on lights, call staff etc.
- Unknown list: Reaction can also be triggered by unknown number plates.
- Outputs for control of gate, gate, etc., as well as input for control of closed gate, laser fence etc.
- 8-50 meters detection distance
Placering af et ANPG kamera er meget afgørende for genkendelseseffekten. F.eks. må man ikke overskride 30°, hverken horisontalt eller vertikalt.
Først skal du kende dit setup's begrænsninger - gør dig gerne et par tanker om nedenstående billeder eller ring til os, så guider vi dig igennem.
Entry/exit bruges hvis bilerne bremser ned, f.eks. åbning af bom, kryds mm.
Road traffic bruges ved almindelig trafik, f.eks. hvis alle biler der passere skal logges.
Placering af kamera er afgørende, 6-18 meter = 2,8-12 mm, 15-50 meter = 8-32mm
Maksimalt tilt-vinkel er 5°
Maksimal vinkel er 30°
Hastigheden skal være svarende til lukkerhastigheden på kameraet.
About license plate cameras (ANPG)
An automatic license plate recognition system also known as ANPG (also known as: ANR, ANPR, LPR, etc.), is available in many shapes and sizes. The license plate recognition, hereinafter referred to as ANPG, takes place in the camera (edge analysis), which is why the camera can function completely independently with an SD card and power.
Have you bought the kit and subsequently want to upgrade etc. then you can just buy more cameras and possibly. also NVR
About the kit
The kit contains
- ANPG camera 2.8-12mm (4-12 meters) or 8-32mm (8-50 meters)
- PoE Switch, power via network cables
- SD card (128 GB)
- 20 meter network cable
- 40 minutes of sparring, teaching and help with installation
You may want to consider ordering the following at the same time
- Cables of the length required for the router
- Extra ANPG cameras if there are multiple inputs and outputs.
You can read more about the individual products by clicking on them in the range above.
About the installation
Before you mount the camera, you can take a chat with our technicians, as there are some things to be aware of.
After the camera is mounted, the system must be programmed and we do this most easily by logging in to your Windows (we use anydesk), but we help with all this, so 2 x 20 minutes of support is included in the package. If we need additional time, it can simply be purchased afterwards.
There is a rear box for the camera, but if the camera is to be mounted on a mast or pole, an extra bracket like this must be used: Mast bracket