If you have more than one camera, an NVR is a great thing. It's the heart of a video surveillance system and, besides storing all video recordings so you can quickly search for them later, it often also powers the cameras through the network cables, so you can get by with just pulling a single cable to each camera.
Many NVR recorders have intelligence, allowing them to perform facial recognition or filter out uninteresting push notifications before they reach your mobile phone. This can breathe new life into older cameras that are not intelligent on their own. When you get a push notification, it's because something interesting is happening.

NVR with PoE

NVR with AI

NVR with Integration Options
If you're unsure about how large a hard drive you should choose for your recorder, see the calculator at the bottom of the page, or give us a call.
Note to the professional: NVR recorders with four or more disks often have fault-tolerant disk systems (RAID), multiple video outputs that can be controlled individually, and multiple physical inputs and outputs.